A capacitor, also known as a permittor or condenser is an electrical component with a passive two-terminal and is used to store electrical energy or charge in an electrical field. All fixed capacitors contain electrical conductors which are separated by an insulating layer, known as dielectric. Small capacitors are used in electronic devices to enhance signals between amplifier stages as part of power supply systems or as particles of turned circuits and electric filters. Larger capacitors are used to store electric energy of electric motors, strobe lights or for power correction in AC power distribution systems.
Different types of fixed capacitor includes, paper capacitor which includes paper sheet capacitor and metalized paper capacitor, plastic film capacitor which includes film-foil capacitors and metalized film capacitors, ceramic capacitor which includes ceramic disc capacitor, ceramic tubular capacitor and multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLCC), mica capacitor which includes stacked mica capacitor and silvered mica capacitor, electrolytic capacitor which includes aluminum electrolytic capacitor, tantalum electrolytic capacitor and niobium electrolytic capacitor and supercapacitors which includes double layer capacitors, pseudo – capacitors and hybrid capacitors.
Ceramic capacitors hold the largest market share among all the types owing to increased demand from its application areas such as tone compensation, lighting ballasts, resonant circuit, volume control RF bypass, and antenna coupling among others. It is expected to have a steady growth rate owing to increased demand in developing countries such as Thailand, India and China among others. It is closely followed by electrolytic capacitors which hold the second largest position in the global market share.
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Major drivers driving the global fixed capacitors are increased demand by application areas such as high current applications for paper capacitors, A/D converters and motor run for plastic film capacitors, resonant circuit and antenna coupling for ceramic capacitors, Laser and RADAR for mica capacitors, filters and time constant circuits for electrolytic capacitors among others. Revolution in storage technology with the introduction of newer market segments such as smart grids and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) among others is also acting as a major driver in the global fixed capacitor market. In addition, supportive government regulations, low transmission losses and need for improved stability and larger demand by niche end user segment is driving the global fixed capacitor market in a positive way. Lack of standardization and high infrastructure cost are the major factors that are restraining market growth. Rapid growth of automation and infrastructure industries is a major opportunity of the global fixed capacitor market.
Geographically, the global fixed capacitor market is divided into North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa and Latin America. Europe is the largest market of the overall fixed capacitor market. Asia Pacific and Middle East are the fastest growing markets owing to rapid industrialization and growth of end user segments. Countries such as India, Japan and China are the fastest growing countries as they are major developing countries with high growth and industrialization in these countries. The use of fixed capacitor is rapidly growing in renewable energy sector and is thus a great opportunity for these fast developing countries.
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Major players of the global fixed capacitor market include Toshiba (Tokyo, Japan), ABB Ltd. (Zurich, Switzerland), Epcos AG (Munich, Germany), Alstom SA (Saint-Quain, France), Siemens Energy (Erlangen, Germany), Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Kyoto Prefecture, Japan), Advanced Capacitor Technologies, Inc. (Tokyo, Japan), Axion Power International, Inc. (Pennsylvania, U.S), EEStor Corporation (Toronto, Canada), FastCAP Systems, Inc. (Massachusetts, U.S), Graphene Energy, Inc. (Texas, U.S), Capxon International Electronic Co., Ltd. (Wanchai, Hong Kong), Kemet Corporation (South Carolina, U.S), Maxwell Technologies, Inc. (California, U.S) and Nesscap Energy, Inc. (Toronto, Canada) among others.
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