The bandgap is the major factor which concludes the electrical conductivity of the underlying materials in the electronics and semiconductor industry. The materials with smaller bandgap are called as semiconductor materials and the large bandgap materials are generally insulators that do not conduct electricity well. There is another class present with ultra-wide bandgap in semiconductors. The material with ultra-wide bandgap is capable of operating at higher temperature and have capability of handling high power. Gallium Oxide (Ga2O3) is one of the material which offers the ultra-wide bandgap as well as high breakdown voltage.
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Breakdown voltage describes as the total amount of electricity needed to transform a material from one medium to another, in case of Ga2O3 that is from insulator to a conductor. The breakdown voltage is directly proportional to the power handling capacity therefore the high breakdown voltage results in high power handling capacity. Hence, the gallium oxide is consider as more promising material for the next generation power devices. The gallium oxide has bandgap of about 4.8 eV, which is better than that of gallium nitride (3.3 eV) and silicon (1.1 eV). The difference in bandgap of materials gives gallium oxide the capacity to resist a larger electric field than silicon (Si) and gallium nitride (GaN) can without breaking down.
Furthermore, gallium oxide handles the same amount of voltage over a shorter distance. Also this material offers semiconductor manufacturers a highly appropriate substrate for microelectronic devices. Hence gallium oxide is use as a base for MOSFET commonly called as metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors by the transistor manufacturers. The gallium oxide is valuable for making smaller and lightweight transistors with high power handling ability owing to its offerings. And to achieve these advanced transistors an improved gate dielectrics are needed, along with thermal management approaches that will more effectively extract heat from the devices.
Silicon material has wide range of applications in the world of microelectronics and semiconductor technology and it can be further used in upcoming future. But in scalability for power applications, the silicon material still faces some limitations. These limitation of silicon material can pushes semiconductor technology to its full potential, requires smaller designs at higher energy density. This requirement can be full fill by the emergence of gallium oxide material.
The increased use of gallium oxide transistors in high-voltage rectifiers in distribution system and power conditioning units such as photovoltaic solar systems and electric vehicles such as cars, trains and, aircraft are the primary applications of the gallium oxide transistor which mainly drives the gallium oxide transistor market growth. Owing to the advantages of the gallium oxide in transistor, this Ga2O3 transistors are used in power distribution systems that charge electric vehicles or converters that renewable electricity into the power grid from alternative energy sources such as solar panel or wind turbines.
The high power transistor are used in electric vehicles charging stations to control and function at higher power levels than silicon based devices. For such application the gallium oxide transistor is the best solution. This will expected to increase the demand of gallium oxide transistor during forecast period. Furthermore, the high bandgap of gallium oxide material enables operation of transistor at higher temperatures that will eliminate the need of additional cooling system which directly minimize the system size.
This reduced size of system can increase the demand of gallium oxide transistors by the power system manufacturers. However, gallium oxide transistor market needs more commercialization and investment on research and development for producing large volume gallium oxide transistors. Even though in the upcoming years, entry of new manufacturers in the gallium oxide transistor market has increase focus on emerging economies and increasing investment in R&D for improvement in product quality to various end-users and further increasing power handling capability will increase opportunities in the gallium oxide transistor market.
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The gallium oxide transistor market can be bifurcated on the basis of application, end user, and geographical regions. By Application, the gallium oxide transistor market can be segmented into electric vehicles, solar powers devices, and other renewable energy systems. On the basis of end user, the gallium oxide transistor market can be further divided into power electronics, consumer electronics, defense, solar industry, aerospace, and others. Furthermore, the gallium oxide transistor market can also be segmented according to region into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and South America.
The gallium oxide transistor market has extensive growth potential owing to the large bandgap property and better power handling capability of gallium oxide transistor than the silicon based transistors. All manufacturers involved in gallium oxide transistor market are investing large amount in research and development segment to provide quality product with low power loss to the consumers.
Owing to continuously increasing use of gallium oxide as a functional material for various applications in semiconductor industry, the manufacturers are further focusing on the commercial production of gallium oxide transistors. Leading players operating in the gallium oxide transistor market are FLOSFIA Inc. Various research and development firms that are aiding the growth of gallium oxide transistor applications include UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, air force research laboratory (AFRL), Cornell University, University of Florida, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Korea University.
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