A type of transistor that is used for the purpose of switching electric signals or amplifying electronic signals is called a MOSFET. It consists of an insulated gate that determines the conductivity of a device. MOSFETs are mostly used for the purpose of voltage conversions. It is basically a semiconductor component that is silicon-based and is used in electronic devices. These transistors consist of three terminals such as gate, drain and gate.
A kind of MOSFET that operates at a voltage more than 200 volts is known as high-voltage MOSFET. Depending on the operating voltage, MOSFETs are integrated into a system. These MOSFETs are mostly used in industrial applications and in fields that require switching and amplification of high power.
With the increasing demand for energy efficiency, the demand for high voltage MOSFET has been increasing. With the continued focus on improvements of design across the electronics and electrical industry, the growth of high voltage MOSFET is likely to witness a surge. Alternative and renewable energy market has been witnessing increasing demand. Wind energy and solar energy markets are experiencing a rapid expansion.
Furthermore the growth of cloud computing and data center have been driving the market of high voltage MOSFET market.
Growing deployment of electric vehicles / hybrid electric vehicles are also driving the market. The growing demand for fuel efficiency and emission norms mandated by governments worldwide are leading to increasing demand for electric vehicles and thus the demand for high voltage MOSFETs increases.
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The market has bene segmented on the basis of application and end-use. On the basis of end-use, the market is segmented into consumer applications, electrical vehicles/hybrid electric vehicles, industrial application, wind turbines and others. With the increasing demand of electric and hybrid vehicles and increasing use of solar and wind energy, the demand for high voltage MOSFET is expected to witness a surge in the market.
Geographically, the market is segmented into Americas, Asia Pacific (APAC) and Europe, Middle East and America (EMEA). Asia Pacific occupies the largest market share and is anticipated to grow rapidly during the forecast period of 2016-2024. Europe also accounts for a substantial market share in this market and occupies the second largest market share of high voltage MOSFET market. The region is expected to grow well during the forecast period of 2016-2024. Owing to the increasing demand for renewable and alternative source of energy in the APAC region, the region is set to experience the fastest growth and is expected to continue to lead the market till the end of the forecast period.
The high adoption of solar and wind energy technologies in countries like India, the US is the reason for such a high growth of this market in these regions. The market of Middle East and Africa is also expected to grow significantly during the forecast period owing to increasing awareness about alternative and renewable source of energy. The regions of Latin America largely remain untapped though the demand of various types of consumer electronics are increasing day by day in these regions.
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The global market of high voltage MOSFET is fragmented with many large and well-established players occupying a strong position. Also, many new players are also trying to enter the high voltage MOSFET market owing to the expected high growth of the market.
Some of the key players of the high voltage MOSFET market are Fairchild Semiconductor International Inc. (the US), Infineon Technologies AG (Germany), Vishay Intertechnology Inc. (the US), International Rectifier Corp. (the US), Renesas Electronics Corp. (Japan),Toshiba Corp. (Japan) among others. There are also other prominent players in the market such as Diodes Inc. (the US), NXP Semiconductors N.V. (The Netherlands), On Semiconductor Corp. (the US), STMicroelectronics N.V. (Switzerland), Rohm Co. Ltd (Japan) etc.
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